Instagram for Photographers: Subject and location themed accounts?

I’ve had good luck, at least in my mind, creating Instagram accounts around specific interests and locations, such as my “Scenic Cape May” and "Wildwood Photo of the Day" accounts.
Scenic Cape May is an Instagram account I created a couple years ago for Cape May NJ fans (which I adamantly am myself!) However, I got distracted, and largely ignored it. But then 1,000 people had started following it, so I’ve started posting to it again recently. I have plenty of Cape May photography.
This post in particular received a lot of traction, at least for me, accruing nearly 500 favorites, making it one of my most popular social media posts (broadly speaking) to date.
Post results for my location specific Cape May Instagram account, with nearly 500 favorites
Similarly, my Wildwood Photo of the Day Instagram account has gained even more traction in terms of followers, in part because I have been more consistent in posting content and promoting the account. There are collectively a couple thousand people following this project with a relatively low post count. A recent post received more than 600 likes.
Wildwood Photo of the Day Instagram account
My current takeaway is that a good account name around something you and others are interested in and passionate about can create a following. If you have good content to share and provide value, it will grow.
Plus, there’s no harm in creating Instagram accounts either, so why not give it a shot?


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